my week in food

my week in food

Everyone in my family groans when I start pulling out my camera to take pictures of my food before diving in 😂. My hubby may or may not even roll his eyes, which in his defense I get … he’s hungry and just wants to eat. 

another day, another loaf

another day, another loaf

I swear I eat more than just bread 😝. But it’s been so hot and humid here in Maryland, that sandwiches or even a slice of bread with butter is all I’ve been craving. So last night I started another loaf and it was ready 

funfetti birthday cake

funfetti birthday cake

My daughter turned four last week and she requested a vanilla cake with sprinkles. "Sure," I thought, "how hard can that be," right? I made a delicious vanilla cake batter, dumped in a ton of sprinkles and popped it on the oven … … boy 

experimenting with bread

experimenting with bread

I enjoy experimenting with different flavors in our breads. Tonight I’m throwing in some hazelnuts, raisins and a few tablespoons of my sourdough starter into my normal bread recipe and plan on proofing and baking it in my cast iron pan…     … I