mise en place

mise en place

Whenever I start any project in the kitchen, I mise en place all my ingredients. Mise en place?! What the heck is that!!?? Translated from French, it means everything in its place. Essentially, all you do is get all the ingredients ready before you start cooking, so 

gravy from scratch: a few tips

gravy from scratch: a few tips

Who here LOVES gravy!? 🙋🏻 I do! I am a huge fan!!     summary: use mirepoix – onion, carrots & celery use stock instead of water add herbs add wine if you have it tomato 🍅 paste adds color and flavor thicken with flour simmer, 

homemade vanilla extract

homemade vanilla extract

Twice a year our local liquor store has a HUGE sale! They sell everything just $1 over what they buy it for!! What an awesome deal, right?! Since hard liquor has a super high mark up, I figured this was the time to stock up on some vodka and 

knife skills & turkey carving must knows

knife skills & turkey carving must knows

Happy almost Thanksgiving everyone!! I love this holiday for all the food, especially the mashed potatoes. What’s your dream bite? I load a fork with mashed potatoes, turkey, cranberry sauce and gravy and that is the ultimate Thanksgiving bite for me :)!! All that said,