chicken nuggets

chicken nuggets

Who doesn’t love chicken nuggets, right?!     I don’t make these too often, but when I do, they get gobbled up. There’s always plenty for leftovers as well, which is my favorite part.     These are super easy to make, but do take 

culinary school flashback: not all about food

culinary school flashback: not all about food

Being in culinary school is fun because you get to learn so many new recipes, and try lots of new types of food. It is, however, A LOT of hard work. And not just while your cooking. Learning to be a great cook is so 

my week in food

my week in food

I did a terrible job taking pictures of my food over Labor Day weekend. Sorry!! I think we just had such a relaxing long weekend, that I would always remember about the pictures, after we had eaten. Sunday we drove into Baltimore and spent a 

culinary school flashback: week 5 in review

culinary school flashback: week 5 in review

This is a long one guys … week five was filled with lots of new recipes ~~~ week five in review Once again our week was packed! We made 20 menu items this week and my favorite was the steak and french fries. Here is 

culinary school flashback: week 4 in review

I’m back with another flashback! Week four of school already! ~~~ week four in review It’s hard to believe I am already 1/3 of the way through phase 1 of my program. Only 8 more weeks before I transition to phase 2 and then it’s 

culinary school flashback: cuts & burns

Oh man … The first week of culinary school I cut myself sooo often on my knives. It was pretty embarrassing!! But, I had never really worked with big kitchen knives before, and my new set was extra sharp. The nice thing about cutting yourself 

my week in food

my week in food

Weekends tend to be unplanned as food goes, since I never know what we’ll be up to. Because of that, we had leftovers Saturday during the day and ordered this amazing pizza from our favorite local pizza shop 🍕 after L was asleep.     I’m 

culinary school flashback: first exam

And before I knew it, the day of our first exam was here 😬. I remember being nervous because I had no idea what to expect! I didn’t take any pictures of the exam because there was no time. ~~~ our first exam day Today was 

parmesan meatballs

parmesan meatballs

Who doesn’t love spaghetti and meatballs?!     I know we do! These meatballs are moist, flavorful and have a tiny hint of lemon. YUM YUM     This recipe is very simple, so let’s dive right into it.  

my food in week: eclipse edition

my food in week: eclipse edition

Saturday for lunch I had zero plans on what to make. I made pesto from all the basil in my garden last week, so I threw that in a pan with some cream and peas, tossed with pasta and voila, easy lunch. L had requested