what’s in my fridge …

what’s in my fridge …

I love peeking in other people’s fridges. Don’t you?!

I think it’s a fun to see what types of foods others eat, how they organize their fridge, etc.

With that said, I thought it would be fun to let you peek into my fridge.

I generally menu plan on Sundays, writing down all the ingredients I’ll need for the week and do my big shop on Mondays. This helps me keep my food budget low, but it also helps prevent foods getting lost in my fridge. I swear, before I planned my weeks out, I’d forget what was in my fridge all the time and I felt that I was throwing away so much expired or molded food.


Okay, so let’s talk about my fridge …

When we moved into our house here in Annapolis, I inherited this awesome double door, freezer on the bottom, fridge. I had ALWAYS wanted a fridge with a double door so I was super excited!! I think it helps me keep things way more organized.


Now to the pictures. Here is my fridge head on …



On the top shelf I keep various grains. In this case, I have my oats, some cornmeal and some spelt flour. I also keep my eggs up here (which I buy in bulk at Sam’s Club).

Next some any leftovers: anything from dinners, to lemon curd and ganache (all the way to the right). If I have small yogurts, I also keep them on this self.

Then you’ll find all my juices and milk (again I buy those in bulk at Sam’s), other dairy items like heavy cream, buttermilk or larger yogurt containers. Additionally, I keep my larger leftover containers and any other containers that don’t fit into the drawers (I have a bowl of mushrooms in there right now).

The bottom drawer contains all my cheeses and meats. I clearly have an obsession with cheese 😂.



My door’s filled with butter (lots of it!!), jams, condiments, my sourdough starter and more drinks. Not sure why I even have a bottle of ranch dressing … we never eat salad dressing that isn’t just oil and vinegar and making my own is actually super easy.


As for my freezer … it’s pretty small 😑. Or I should say, it’s not small, but I just wish I had a larger freezer. One of my 2018 goals is to get a stand-up freezer for the basement, so I can increase my stash.



The top right drawer is filled with my stock, extra gravy I made, fruits for smoothies and smoothie pops. The left side has all my extra meats (the Trader Joe’s bratwurst are amazing!!!), chicken bones for stock and veggies.

The bottom drawers are a bit chaotic (excuse the mess!!), but they are filled with bread, sliced bagel (I buy them fresh at a local store, slice them and freeze them immediately. Then all we need to do is toast them and voila, delicious bagels), freezer meals and anything extra.


And that is my fridge! What do you think? Anything that surprised you? Any questions?


I’d love to hear what you have in your fridge!