my week in food

my week in food

The closer I get to having this baby, the less I feel like cooking. Truth be told, the less I also feel like healthy eating, which is bad 🙄.

Last weekend was pretty low key. My hubby power washed part of the house, which called for some pretty low key meals. I actually only took two photos last weekend of breakfast and birthday cake!!



But it was nice to unplug a little.

Monday we headed to the Baltimore Aquarium since hubby had the day off. We packed snacks and sandwiches. My all-time favorite way to pack food on the go, is in these awesome reusable snack bags. They are from Nina’s Flying Needle, my sister’s shop, and we use them all. the. time!!



I made a quick dinner of pork chops in the cast iron with rosemary, shallots, and butter. Along with sauteed veggies and oven potatoes, both sweet and russet. Man, this meal was amazing! Both hubby and L were pretty quiet all of dinner, as they dug in.



The rest of the week included taco bowls,



fresh sourdough and hazelnut, raisin bread used for open-faced sandwiches,



and chicken pot pie (which was way more delicious than it let me photograph.)



Yesterday we kicked off the day with sourdough french bread, and then headed to a local fall festival. L and her little cousin spent a good 45 minutes riding the ponies and horses.

I was beat by the end of the day, so we finished the day with gyro platters from an amazing local Greek Restaurant.



How cute are these?!?!!! Since it’s Halloween soon, and L has discovered her love for it, I could not pass up these cute Haunted House Chocolate Cookie Kits at Trader Joe’s.