my week in food

my week in food

Saturday I kicked the weekend off with a roast chicken, cauliflower/potato mash, corn and of course gravy ;). I did a little video about the gravy and posted it here.

In the afternoon my sister watched L for a few hours, so hubby and I could run to bed, bath & beyond (such a married with kid day date 😂), followed by grabbing coffee at a super cute local coffee shop downtown Annapolis. Check out this backyard!!

Sunday we kept it simple with tortellini with a homemade marinara sauce. I’m sharing the recipe for the sauce next week because it is truly soooo simple and much tastier than the store-bought sauces.

After our Monday morning WF trip, I enjoyed this little treat.

Followed by a bagel and smoothie for lunch and leftovers for dinner.

Tuesday I whipped up chili served along with a fresh sourdough loaf. Check out my facebook page to see a video of me talking about my chili and local food co-op.

Lunch that day was comprised of leftover pumpkin seed bread topped with mayo (my favorite condiment!!), cheese, lettuce and leftover chicken.

Thursday was my birthday, and we kicked it off with cake for breakfast! My sister also brought over a ton of yummy treats.

We kick off our weekend, we had pizza night 🍕, using this simple recipe.

Have a good weekend everyone 😊!