my week in food

my week in food

Last Friday night I thought I was headed to my neighbors for a craft night, but was surprised with a sprinkle for baby H by my neighbors and sisters. It was the sweetest surprise and I was beyond shocked. They had snacks, cake and the most delicious blueberry mojito, of course san rum for me. What a special evening!! I love that I have these ladies in my life :)!!



Saturday morning we woke up to waffels made by my sister, who was picking up her oldest after a cousin sleepover to head to a soccer game.



We spent all day outside playing with the neighbor kids and by the time dinner rolled around, none of us wanted to cook. So we had an impromptu block pizza party.



Monday I decided to splurge on some steaks! We don’t eat a lot of steaks and with temperatures still leaving us with the feeling of summer, I put my hubby on the grill. Served with baked potatoes and sauteed mushrooms. YUM! I also added way more sour cream after taking this picture, because I am an addict 😉.



Tuesday I whipped up a potato soup, adding some butternut squash and baking a fresh sourdough oat loaf. I always end up making soup for a huge crowd, so I was able to freeze some, as well as have leftovers!



This bread was worth burning myself on the cast iron. My oven mit was wet, so when I grabbed the pan out of my 450-degree oven, I quickly burned my hand. But I clenched an ice pack for over an hour, and was able to prevent any type of blister!



Thursday we indulged in Spätzle!! I love them! They remind me of home, they are versatile and super easy to make. Be on the lookout on Monday for the recipe.

I had plans to serve them with some bratwurst, but hubby was invited to a happy hour after work, so L and I just had them with gravy and roasted veggies.



We have a quiet weekend ahead again. Happy weekend everyone!!