culinary school flashback: cuts & burns

Oh man … The first week of culinary school I cut myself sooo often on my knives. It was pretty embarrassing!! But, I had never really worked with big kitchen knives before, and my new set was extra sharp. The nice thing about cutting yourself with sharp knives is that the cuts heal very quickly. I did document a few of the cuts and burns on my original culinary school journey.


Part of being a culinary student involves getting cuts and burns along the way.

Over the past five weeks, I have definitely gotten very close with my knives and have plenty of cuts to show for. Today for example, I cut myself twice, not in the kitchen, but rather while putting my knives back in my knife bag!!

I know it’s very sad!!

I have also come in close contact with many hot pots, pans and ovens while moving around in the kitchen. Because of how hectic it can get towards service (meal time), I sometimes forget that a pot can be very hot, or that I should use the door handle when closing the oven.

Last week, I forgot that I had just taken a pot out of the oven, when I rested my arm on it for a second. Needless to say, I now have a nice burn to show for it.

The blister is finally starting to heal.

This burn happened two weeks ago and will most likely leave a nice scar.

But that is what school is about, right?

Cuts and bruises do not only teach us how to be safe in the kitchen, but it also toughens us up – at least I hope it does.


It’s very rare that I hurt myself these days in the kitchen. Except for when I burned my arm on the oven door right before heading to the beach and I am still sporting a nice scar from it! I blame it on pregnancy brain 😉.