culinary school flashback: first day cooking protein

culinary school flashback: first day cooking protein

Today’s flashback post is short and sweet. We cooked chickenšŸ”Ā for the first time!


first day cooking protein: chicken

Over the past 2 weeks, we have made a large variety of dishes. I am not sure if anyone has noticed, but so far most of our dishes have been vegetarian ā€“ with the occasional exemption of adding bacon to a quiche, putting it on an english muffin to serve with a poached egg or learning how to break down an entire chicken. Donā€™t get me wrong, I enjoy making (and eating) soups and salads, but there comes a point when taking chicken apart, and not using it right away, just isnā€™t enough anymore.

Well, today was the day that changed it all! Eleven days into the program, we finally cooked with protein ā€“ chicken! On the menu: roasted chicken with a jus, rice pilaf and buttered spinach.

Tomorrow we are venturing into yet another new category ā€“ fish. We will be poaching flounder!


I’ll post theĀ week three in review flashback post in just a few days, since this was so short. Stay tuned …Ā šŸ˜€!!