my week in food

my week in food

Everyone in my family groans when I start pulling out my camera to take pictures of my food before diving in 😂. My hubby may or may not even roll his eyes, which in his defense I get … he’s hungry and just wants to eat.

But guys, I love food and I love taking photos of what I am eating! Plus, this way, you all get a glimpse into what I eat and snack on. I thought I’d start sharing photos of all that yummy food, thoughts?!

Here is what was on the menu for the last few days. I don’t always write it in full detail, nor do I stick to the plan 100%, but it helps me grocery shop. I usually sit down on Sunday’s and think about the weeks menu. 

One night, around 8pm, I was starving, so I decided to fry up some eggs, and eat them with buttered homemade sourdough 🍳.

Chicken🐔nuggets!! I mean, who doesn’t love chicken nuggets, right? I whipped these up on Tuesday night. Please excuse the messy stovetop 😳. Next time I do, I’ll type up the recipe and take more photos for you all – but they are drenched in breadcrumbs and cheese!!!


Making pate brisee, also known as savory pie crust, for a bacon and pea quiche! Recipe for the quiche coming to the blog next week!

Leftover quiche with some sunny side up eggs … can you tell how much I love 🍳😉?!

Every pregnant woman needs ice cream on a regular basis, right🍦?!

 So now that I’ve made you very hungry 😝, I’m going to go watch some TV and relax for the rest of the night.

Heading to the beach this morning, we stopped for bagels.

Once we arrived, we may have also gotten pancakes 🥞😜.

Now that we’re in our beach home for the week, I’m going to go take a break and check out the beach 😊, even though it’s windy and a tad chilly here.