street food festival

street food festival

Yesterday we went to check out the street food festival held at the local coal mine, that is no longer in operation. My dad used to work here, so it was neat to see the grounds again, and being repurposed.

We arrived way to early, and were able to check the whole festival out, without the crowds. There were about 30 stands serving everything from spare ribs, to pulled pork and Jamaican cuisine. My only criticism would be that the portions were too big, and thus I was only able to eat at three stands, and felt beyond full afterwards. So we may or may not be going back today to try a few more stands 😜.

This cheesesteak was nothing like your typical American cheesesteaks, but the chipotle mayo put it over the top! Sooo good

The dim sum was filled with chicken and veggies, topped with soy sauce, fish sauce and truffle!! Wow, it was devine.

The dessert was not my favorite, maybe I was simply too full. But it was a thin pastry, filled with pears and chocolate, then topped with a warm vanilla sauce.

I can’t wait to go back again today and eat some more delish food. If the rest of my trip goes anything like this past weekend, I will be returning to the US a few pounds heavier 😂.