homemade gnocchi 

homemade gnocchi 
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I haven’t made gnocchi since culinary school. For some reason I keep remembering it to be more labor intensive than it really it 😜. In reality, while it takes a little time and prep, it’s super easy!

Since it rained literally all day here today 🌧, it only seemed fitting to take the time and make them today.


I had to use up a butternut squash, pairing it with mushrooms, some diced left-over honey Dijon chicken and cream seemed fitting for the weather.


The one step that I skipped, due to a time crunch for a toddler bedtime, was sauteeting the gnocchi right out of the boiling water. It would have given the dish and extra crunch and flavor but mama life happens sometimes 😜

My toddler may or may not have eaten four or five of these, before proclaiming that she did not like them. And then I may or may not have told her that she has no idea how lucky she is, that I make her food like this 😂.

This will definitely a repeat meal in our house ☺.